Sally Jane Busko

Sally Craig Busko 68 died on June 24, 2016, following a short intense battle with cancer. She is survived by her husband of 45 years Greg Busko; her sons Patrick and Alexander Busko; her son-in-law Sean Rucker, her brothers and sisters John Craig, Susan Rapp, Mary Anne Hipple, Mark Craig and Matthew Craig; her mother Jane M. Craig 92; her nephews and nieces Michael Craig, Elizabeth Craig, Nicholas Craig, Abby Rapp, Craig Rapp, Taylor Rapp and Isabel Hipple, and her much beloved sisters-in-law Susan Busko and Aimee Edmondson. There will be no funeral. Arrangements are being made for a celebration of Sally’s life late July and details will be widely communicated soon. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the ASPCA or Atlanta Humane Society.
Sorry for your loss. Bless you and your family.
My heart goes out to you over the loss and agony of seeing it play out. Your Facebook pages reflect a joyous life that you two had
Phil & Kiki