Russell Gordon James

russell james

February 15, 1925 ~ January 14, 2025

Russell G. James passed away January 14, 2025, at the age of 99. Russ was born and raised in Minnesota. A member of the Ansley Park community and the Ansley Golf Club since 1970, Russ was an avid tennis player, swimmer and gardener, growing bountiful crops of tomatoes in his beloved front yard vegetable garden.

A World War II Army veteran serving 1943-1946 and fighting in the Battle of the Bulge, Russ assisted in the liberation of the concentration camps as the war came to a close. Following the war, he attended Carleton College and the University of Minnesota where he received a degree in civil engineering.

Moving to Atlanta in 1960, Russ worked for the Federal Highway Administration on the early design of the interstate system in the Southeast, ultimately specializing in interchange design. He retired from FHWA after 34 years, working another 17 years for Moreland Altobelli Associates.

Russell is survived by his wife, Anne; his children Larry (Becky) James and Carole (Alan) Burton; grandchildren Taylor and Whit James; sister Janice James, brother Richard (Joy) James, and two nephews Lance and Grant James. The family would like to extend a special thank you to Rita, Doris and Kim who cared for him in his final days.

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  1. Lance and Debbie James says:

    I remember the first time I met uncle Russ. He showed me how to use a pistol in a Minnesota corn field.

  2. Sandy Kaveney (his sister, Jan’s, good friend) says:

    I didn’t know Russ well…age difference? But thought of him as a nice and accomplished man.

  3. Susan Seewald Jewison says:

    I remember when Russ and Ann would come to MN and stay with Selma. We were also lucky enough to visit them in Atlanta. They were always talking about playing tennis. It seems like those Seewald genes were good one

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