Robin Coble Taylor

robin taylor

October 4, 1957 ~ November 5, 2012

Resided in: Atlanta, GA

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  1. Cathy says:

    Hi family. You’re all in our prayers. Please take care, give Aunt Jensie a special hug for us and know that we are there with you in spirit. God bless.

  2. Cathy Knobel says:

    Dear Coble family, I was so very saddened to hear about Robin…Ihave wonderful childhood
    memories of fun times together and at your home in Anderson. You all are in my thoughts and prayers..Cathy

  3. Barbara Jewell Huitt says:

    My deepest sympathies. I went to high school with Robin and have fond memories of a beautiful person. Inside and out. God bless you in this time of sorrow.

  4. J Boyd Camak, Jr. says:

    So fond of Robin when she was a little girl, my condolences to the Coble family.

  5. Frank Friddle says:

    Dear Coble family, I am so sorry for your loss. I went to school and church with Robin for many years and have such fond memories of her. May you cherish all of the good memories her forever. She will be missed.

  6. Helen Farmer says:

    The Coble family is in my thoughts and prayers. Robin was one of my first friends and I treasure those childhood memories of her and your family.

  7. Tom Leopard says:

    She was a great friend to me ! I know she will be missed by all.

  8. Sandra Kay Coen says:

    So sorry for your loss. I grew up with Robin in Anderson. Many happy school memories of her. My prayers are with your family.

  9. Patti Harris Patterson says:

    I just heard the sad news about Robin and I am so very sorry for you loss. Please know that you will all be in my prayers. Growing up in the same neighborhood and church family with the Coble family was very special to me.

  10. Bill Burley says:

    Our prayers of with you and your family. It seems like only yesterday that I challenged you to try more swimming stokes or learn different dives at the “Anderson Y”. Leaving to go into the Air Force really broke the ties that we had but not the memories. OUR RISEN LORD died for you too.

  11. Lavaine Shuler says:

    Words cannot express my sadness. Today and always, may loving memories bring you peace, comfort and strength.

  12. Al Cannon says:

    I was very sad to hear of Robin’s passing, I last saw her in 1998, but stayed in touch via email through 2005, and unfortunately, lost contact, which I regret. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.

  13. Lana Lewis says:

    I knew Robin for the last four years. She was so bright, upbeat, talented considerate and kind person. One of her last projects was re-arranging our store in mid October. She was with us for over a week and did a fantastic job! We get compliments every day from our customer about how great the store looks and it all because of Robin. While in the store, she was laughing and having fun. I am still in shock. Whatever happened, she is now at peace. She will be missed.

    To her family and friends, you all will be in my thoughts.

  14. Lori Williams Edwards says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with the family

  15. Erica Blake says:

    Robin was a wonderful, sweet, talented woman. The last thing I have from her is a very thoughtful thank you note that I will keep and cherish forever. She is and will continue to be missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to her friends & family.

  16. Hale says:

    I will always and forever love and miss my “baby sister”. Thank you to each of you for your kind messages. They help more than you could possibly know.

  17. Karla Warnick says:

    I was a sales rep that worked with Robin when she was at Tuxedo Pharmacy. I have just learned of her passing and am very sad. She was a beautiful woman that had alot of enthusiam about her. She will be missed.

  18. Paula Scales Whitmire says:

    Ms. Jensie, Hale and Mary,
    We were so saddened to hear of Robin’s passing. You opened your home to us always and we have such wonderful memories of all of you. Robin was so sweet and was the ” younger sister” we all liked!
    She will never be forgotten,
    With love,

  19. Chuck Vance says:

    Our families stood before the same nursery window which separated us from being held by them for the first time.

    The news of the day reported that Russia had just reached a milestone in the space race with their launch of Sputnik, the first satellite to successfully orbit the earth on October 4th, 1957.

    I was your “birthmate” as coined by you, and that’s how you would refer to me in cards and calls on birthdays in subsequent years.

    We spent 12 years in school together, 1st – 12th grades, and then both moved away from our hometown to different cities for our college years.

    Fate eventually placed us in the same town again, this time in Atlanta where we celebrated our mutual 40th birthday with a gala that only our combined circles of friends could have accomplished with a lot of input from us both of course ;-;-

    The limo; like a prom, the Sputnik cake; like a birthday, the food, the champagne, the shoveling of the cake into each other’s mouths; like a wedding. It was then, more than ever, that I knew that we shared something unique, something rare.

    I don’t know anyone who has the special bond that we shared, and today I’m broken-hearted that you’re gone.

    An image keeps coming to mind.

    I keep thinking about you and me in our cribs behind the Anderson Memorial Hospital nursery window. I’m sure that the nursery has been moved and remodeled a number of times since then, so the same glass window is most certainly no longer there.

    But still, I have an image in my mind that it’s out there somewhere, maybe in pieces, and it holds a faint image of us along with the remnants of our families’ handprints – memorializing forever the bond that we share.

    I miss you Robin, and will always on our birthday light a candle for you.


  20. Karen Gambrell Cumbia says:

    Dear Coble Family,
    I am so sorry to hear about Robin. I would dare to say that a month does not pass without my thinking about our friendship from years ago. Robin left a place in my heart that no one will ever replace. I remember when I first met her. I was skating on the Pratts concrete driveway. We shared a skate and the firendship began. I still have my skate key. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  21. Stephanie Burkhalter Usher says:

    Robin and I were in the same Wesleyan class of 1979. We were good friends and enjoyed happy times together at Wesleyan. Later, Robin and I happened to live in Albany, Georgia and again enjoyed time together. I was also there for the birth of her son. I was so saddened to hear of her passing and want the family to know that I will always treasure our friendship. She was a special friend and I will forever remember her.

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