You were a great grandpa. My dad really loved you. I remember fondly sleeping over and you and picking blackberries outside of your apartment. I remember you helping me build the hutch for my pet rabbit. I remember your blue manual transmission Honda Civic. Such a big man in a little car. Sleeping in your office as a kid looking up at the stuffed pheasant. You were a great man. If I knew this site existed I would have posted this years ago. You were loved.
Hey grandpa, never really knew you but would of liked it. I love you and hope you are well.
Your GS Kyle
Grandpa Leonard,
You were a great grandpa. My dad really loved you. I remember fondly sleeping over and you and picking blackberries outside of your apartment. I remember you helping me build the hutch for my pet rabbit. I remember your blue manual transmission Honda Civic. Such a big man in a little car. Sleeping in your office as a kid looking up at the stuffed pheasant. You were a great man. If I knew this site existed I would have posted this years ago. You were loved.