You are so special to me and will never leave that space in my heart that’s yours and yours only! It will be so awesome to see you again someday and share “You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray you”ll never know Krissy how much I love you GOD PLEASE LET MY SUNSHINE BECOME A SPECIAL ANGEL TO YOU AS SHE IS TO ME…….HER MOTHER.
you still are my sun,moon & stars… everything is dark without you. you captured my heart & own it still. TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES! mi corazon es para ti, mi vida es para ti mami. te amo por siempreZH
You are so special to me and will never leave that space in my heart that’s yours and yours only! It will be so awesome to see you again someday and share “You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray you”ll never know Krissy how much I love you GOD PLEASE LET MY SUNSHINE BECOME A SPECIAL ANGEL TO YOU AS SHE IS TO ME…….HER MOTHER.
you still are my sun,moon & stars… everything is dark without you. you captured my heart & own it still. TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES! mi corazon es para ti, mi vida es para ti mami. te amo por siempreZH