You were my high school buddy, Irv. You were the class Valedictorian and remain a first-rate memory for me…Wish you weren’t so damn generous with the sorrow now, though. Bob DePillis
You were my high school buddy, Irv. You were the class Valedictorian and remain a first-rate memory for me…Wish you weren’t so damn generous with the sorrow now, though. Bob DePillis
Irving was a fine man, a great friend. He was very passionate concerning his interest in Lepidoptera. He was very sharing and very generous. He was a man of his word. You could count on Irving to do what he said he would.
Had the pleasure of tagging along during a “bug hunt” with Irving several years ago. Learned a lot from him in a short time. One of the kindest people I’ve ever known in my life. He will be missed.
Just heard of the passing of a dearly loved professor, Dr. Finkelstein. His passion for art inspired a deep interest in it for me. He was a treasurer and a gentleman. I’ll miss him greatly. I only wish I’d gotten to see him again in recent years.
Irving Finkelstein and my father, Abner Towers, spent many a Saturday and Sunday on their butterfly outings. Dr. Finkelstein was so kind and a good friend to my father and the rest of the family. May he rest in peace.
Had the pleasure of collecting with Irving many years ago.
You were my high school buddy, Irv. You were the class Valedictorian and remain a first-rate memory for me…Wish you weren’t so damn generous with the sorrow now, though. Bob DePillis
You were my high school buddy, Irv. You were the class Valedictorian and remain a first-rate memory for me…Wish you weren’t so damn generous with the sorrow now, though. Bob DePillis
Irving was my long time friend and colleague.
His passing is a great loss.
Irving was a fine man, a great friend. He was very passionate concerning his interest in Lepidoptera. He was very sharing and very generous. He was a man of his word. You could count on Irving to do what he said he would.
Had the pleasure of tagging along during a “bug hunt” with Irving several years ago. Learned a lot from him in a short time. One of the kindest people I’ve ever known in my life. He will be missed.
An old friend and field companion. Enjoyed many field trips in Georgia and Florida over the years.
We shall miss him.
May the grace and love of our Lord shine upon you and may he ease the burden of your loss.
Just heard of the passing of a dearly loved professor, Dr. Finkelstein. His passion for art inspired a deep interest in it for me. He was a treasurer and a gentleman. I’ll miss him greatly. I only wish I’d gotten to see him again in recent years.
Irving Finkelstein and my father, Abner Towers, spent many a Saturday and Sunday on their butterfly outings. Dr. Finkelstein was so kind and a good friend to my father and the rest of the family. May he rest in peace.