Dr. Thomas Fort Sellers, Jr.

Thomas Fort Sellers, Jr. died in his adopted home, Canterbury Court, in Atlanta, Georgia on Wednesday, January 18, 2017. His final days were blessed with the daily company of friends and family and with the professional and loving care of his physician, hospice and Canterbury Court staff. Thomas Sellers also went by Tommy, Tom, Dr. Sellers, Doc, Daddy, Pop, Grandpop and Greatpop. Tommy was born in Atlanta, Georgia on April 9, 1927 to Thomas and Mary Sellers. One of Atlanta’s original Buckhead boys, he was born to making rhymes and puns. His mother read poetry to him as a child and encouraged him to bring his poems to read in school. His father groomed him in word play by engaging in pun contests to see how long they could keep a pun string going. Tommy courted Nancy Kugel at church youth fellowship and was married to her for 63 years. Tom nurtured many lifelong friendships and delighted in sharing visits and annual personal Christmas greetings which always featured a nature photo taken by him or, in his latter years, by his son, Rick. He wrote poetry throughout his life and published his collection Beware the Poet in 2015. Dr. Sellers taught infectious disease medicine, and later preventive medicine, to medical students at Emory University for over thirty years. He was one of the founders of the Emory Rollins School of Public Health. In his 2009 book What’s Up Doc: A Lifetime in Medicine: 1946-1990, he provided humorous and instructive anecdotes of his medical days. Doc pitched and hit home runs for his church softball team from his 20’s to age 70. He taught Sunday school at Peachtree Presbyterian Church and, the Eagle Scout, shared his love of nature with Troop 34 Boy Scouts seeking merit badges. Daddy, and later Pop, shared his love of Georgia mountains, gardening, and wild flower photography with his three children: Dr. Christopher Wade Sellers Cindy, Richard Alan Sellers Sonja and Janet Sellers Stephenson Gordon. He convinced two of the three to share his zest for Braves baseball and one of the three to embrace his love of Gulf coast fishing. Grandpop was a walking encyclopedia for his nine grandchildren: Brendan, Colin and Jordan Sellers; Matt Sellers Amy, Rebecca Sellers and Christine Sellers Krauth; and Elaine, Taylor and Parker Stephenson. Greatpop charmed his great-granddaughter, Grace Krauth, with rhymes and curious verse. Along with Nancy, he assembled and nurtured a twenty acre Georgia mountain retreat and garden for succeeding generations to enjoy. A celebration of the life of Thomas Fort Sellers, Jr. will be held at Peachtree Presbyterian Church at 10 am February 18 in the sanctuary with reception to follow.
I thank you, Tom, for 4 decades of support, gentle wisdom, and friendship. You did what you could to improve primary health care for the underserved in our region. You championed the teaching of community focus and compassion to generations of students. You helped me transition from carpet-bagger to dedicated Georgian.
This is a correction to incomplete information: A memorial service is planned for February 18 at 10 am in the sanctuary of Peachtree Presbyterian Church with reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Emory Rollins School of Public Health, Thomas F. Sellers, Jr. scholarship fund.
I worked with Dr. Sellers for many years when he appeared as a medical expert on behalf of the Social Security Administration in disability hearings. He provided his independent medical opinion on a host of medical conditions. He was a great witness and I learned so much from him. In addition he was a wonderful story teller.
Early in my academic career, it was a great pleasure when Tom would stop by my office in the Steiner Building and tell me stories sparked by his view of the various other buildings seen from my office window. I will always be proud to have received Emory’s Thomas Fort Sellers award for exemplifying his characteristics and to be the recipient of one of his mother’s cookbooks.
To the Sellers Family:
My deepest condolences to you all. I am an Emory medical and public health student who benefitted from the Thomas F. Sellers Jr. Scholarship. I never got to meet Dr. Sellers but have heard so much from my mentors at Rollins School of Public Health about his brilliance, charm and wit. I very much appreciate his and your family’s generosity in helping me in my education through this scholarship. You must know how Dr. Sellers impacted so many of us Emory students. My warmest regards to the Sellers family.
I am very sorry to read of the loss of, Dr. Sellers, Jr. He was a very faithful and dedicated man, married for 63 years! I won’t pretend to know what you’re going through, but what has helped me deal with the loss of those I love is turning to the Scriptures, something that has been a real source of comfort. One Scripture that gives me hope is, John 11:25, which says, “Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life.” I hope that this verse will also comfort you and, I hope you and your family can get through this difficult time. Please accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved husband, father, grandpa and friend. Sincerely, Meryl, jw.org