Dr. Louis Havis Ederington

Dr. Louis Havis Ederington, PhD
Louis was born May, 10, 1944, and spent his childhood years in Warren, Arkansas. His parents were Mary Catherine Bayliss Ederington and Louis Wilson Ederington. He loved spending time on his parents’ farm, riding his horse, Danny and driving his jeep. His great-grandfather, John T Ederington, bought up cotton from the local farmers, and took the bales down river to New Orleans; he then brought back cotton seed and other supplies. In 1869, he built a store, J.T. Ederington’s on the courthouse square. His grandfather, Louis Ederington, and later his father were owners of the store which lasted into the 1970s.
Louis attended Hendrix College from 1962-1966, where he developed two loves: first, Economics, and second, his life partner, Anne Jewell, whom he met in the December of 1963. Anne and Louis were married June 11, 1966, and began their graduate studies at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri. Louis obtained his PhD from Washington University. He then accepted a teaching position at Georgia State University, so he, Anne, and baby son Ben came to Atlanta. The family was soon joined by another son Josh, and they lived in Morningside, where Louis commuted by bus to GSU.
Louis was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1978; his doctors had learned about a new drug, so he and Anne spent nearly eight months at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, while the boys lived with their grandparents. After his cancer treatment, he wanted to explore new possibilities, so he decided to apply for a Fulbright Professorship. That took him and the family to Bucharest, Romania for six months in 1980. This was in the time of Ceausescu, so he could not have his own classes, but other faculty members would provide him with lecture opportunities. The boys went to the American School, and Anne also worked there. They also traveled a great deal around Romania.
At GSU, Louis was beginning to move toward Finance, and spent some of his time with the Finance faculty. When he, Anne and the boys moved back to Washington University in 1984, he made the switch permanent. He spent five years at Washington University in St Louis, until the boys graduated from high school, and went off to college. Then he again started exploring other options. He was given the Oklahoma Bankers Chair in 1989, and he and Anne moved to the University of Oklahoma in Norman and the now Michael Price College of Business. They spent 25 years at OU, renovating an older home and enjoying all of the theatre and sports and art on the campus.
With the break-up of the Soviet Union, a former colleague was at USAID, and thought Louis might be interested in working on economic restructuring in the Republics. Louis was interested, and he and Anne decided to move to Tbilisi, The Republic of Georgia in 1993, for a year and a half. He had three different Deputy Prime Ministers that he worked for, two of which were very good. He also went on the advance team for Shevardnadze to Washington DC.
Louis, with Anne went on sabbaticals, teaching and doing research at several Universities: the University of Otago, in Dunedin, New Zealand; Singapore Management University in Singapore; the University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia; the University of Melbourne, in Melbourne, Australia. Louis was given the Michael Price Chair in Finance, and the George Lynn Cross Professorship in Research. When he retired he had many of his former students come back to OU for a series of seminars. His students wrote tributes including the words wise, collegial, generous, honest, and rigorous. On retirement he was designated Emeritus.
Louis and Anne moved back to Atlanta in the summer of 2014, to Lenbrook. They were often traveling, including Gorilla Tracking, birding, and Lou’s love, train travel. Louis was always the photographer, snapping many lasting memories. They also frequently went back to OU for teaching, research, and games. He was diagnosed with CMML, a chronic leukemia, in late 2018. He and Anne continued to travel throughout 2019. But the outbreak of the Covid pandemic put travel plans on hold, and eventually his leukemia became acute. We wish to thank his doctor, Ethan Tolbert, MD for his kindness in helping Louis with his many difficulties; and the Crossroads Hospice team who aided him in the last three days of his life.
Louis is pre-deceased by his parents, and his older brother, John Bayliss Ederington. He is survived by his wife; his sons and daughter-in-laws, Louis Benjamin Ederington and Elizabeth Matthews and William Joshua Ederington and Jenny Minier; and his five grandchildren, Katherine, John, and Emily Matthews –Ederington, and Sam and Max Ederington. He is also survived by his sister-in-law Peggy Ederington and her children, Beth Ederington, and Charles and Debbie Ederington and their children; and his cousins, Nancy Huckabay, Stephen Hurley, Mark Hurley, Joyce Alworth, Jenny Pugh-Henandez, Mary Pugh Manning, Sondra Shepherd, Lanier Bayliss, and John Mark Bayliss; and his second family, his mother-in-law Irma Jewell, Judy Jewell, Becky and Rick Engborg, Joe and Jan Jewell, and John Jewell, plus numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.
As one of Dr. Ederington’s many students, I can attest to his qualities of “wise, collegial, generous, honest, and rigorous.” I would add “selfless.” He invested so much into the lives and careers of his students. His sole purpose was for us to succeed. I am honored to have called him my advisor, mentor, and friend. My deepest condolences to Anne and family.
I officed next to Lou for 25 years while he was at OU. I admired him so much as a professor but he was also my very close friend. We loved talking about family and it was always interesting when he talked about his travels with Anne. My heart is sad for Anne and his family. He will be missed by everyone who knew him. He was one of the good ones for sure.
I’m just very sad. It has been a difficult week, thinking of my mentor, Lou Ederington. All who knew him know how much he devoted to the PhD program at OU. It was a selfless investment. I would not be where I am if it were not for him. He also had an infectious laugh – those of you who heard it know what I am talking about. He had many passions – the arts, traveling, OU sports, and Anne, of course. Anne and Lou were the perfect couple. They complemented each other and they just enjoyed the same things! I really feel for Anne right now. I wish I could give her a hug. My most sincere condolences.
I was hired at OU in 2015, a year after Lou has left to be in Atlanta. Yet, I had the opportunity to talk to him at seminars – when he was back in town – and to sit on his Ph.D. class in 2017. I will remember Lou as a very nice person, a dedicated scholar, and a good friend. May his soul rest in peace! To Anne, may peace and comfort find you during this difficult time.
I can honestly say that without Dr. Ederington, I would not have moved to Oklahoma, where I met my wife and started my family. In that way I’ll always be indebted to him. But on a more personal level, he was a very kind person and an excellent teacher who gave much more to his students than was ever expected of him. My sincere condolences to his family in this difficult time. He will be missed.
Louis was a fighter and he won in many of them. We had heard about his serious surgeries and his recoveries. He fought abs came out as a champ. It’s a truly tragic that this time the aggressor took him away. I remember visiting their house – opened up for social visits with food – warmth and friendship. Louis and Anne always very gracious and welcoming. I always drove around their house and thought of them. His image of a tall- kind and a smiling gentleman will always stay in my mind.
Anne we pray for you to have strength to live without your best friend and life partner.
May Louis Rest In Peace.
A true gentleman – will always be remembered.
In prayers
Mamta Yadac
Louis was an intellectually curious scholar with a caring heart. He always kept his smile and inspired his colleagues and students in the department. He also helped me transform from a Long Horn to a Sooner. He will be dearly missed. Vahap Uysal
Dr. Ederington was one of the smartest and kindest people I have ever met. He showed a genuine interest in mentoring his students. If there is a professor who can yell at you in the middle of a conference reception for a poorly written paper and take you to a football game the next week, it was Louis. His dedication to the development of students is unparalleled. He made me a better person. I will miss him.
Without Dr. Ederington, I would not have a chance to come to the U.S. and pursue a finance academic career. I met my wife at OU and get married after I graduated with Dr. Ederington as my mentor. I am always grateful for the opportunities that I have been given by Dr. Ederington. I would not be where I am if it were not for him. I have been sad since I heard the news and words can’t express my sadness. Dr. Ederington is an amazing person. He knew that I am a huge basketball fan and I still remember the OU women’s basketball tickets that he gave me. He is very kind, generous and selfless. He always reminds me what a great teacher should be. He will be missed so much. My sincere condolences to Anne and family.
I met Lou at Hendrix College, where we were both drawn to economics, and we continued together to Washington University for our graduate training and, eventually, to academic careers. Lou’s intelligence, diligence, good nature, and optimism have served him well throughout his personal and professional lives. He inspired me never to pass up a good sabbatical opportunity. One small-world vignette: while traveling from Frankfurt to Budapest in the immediate post-Soviet era, my family stopped in Vienna and entered a restaurant, where to our amazement we encountered Louis and Anne, returning from one of their Eastern Europe sojourns. It was a lovely reunion moment. I will miss such moments. Deepest condolences to Anne, Ben, Josh, and their families.
I began freshman year at Hendrix College, living on a dorm wing with Anne. I quickly became integrated into a friendship group with Anne and others on that wing; these friendship persisted through college. We were thrilled when she began dating Louis because he was an excellent student, nice-looking, and most of all kind. As we transitioned to graduate school at Washington University, we continued our good times together with Anne and Louis. They were a lot of fun as a couple. In Mel’s small-world vignette above, he is right that we happened to dine in the same Vienna restaurant as Louis and Anne. We had just discovered as we finished our dinner that the restaurant did not take credit cards and we didn’t have enough money to pay for our meal. At that exact movement we spied Louis and Anne. After greeting them, we asked if they had enough cash to pay for our meals. And happily they did. From a nearby ATM we were able to repay them. As Mel said, a happy reunion moment. I send my deepest condolences to my friend Anne and to the boys and their families.
A wonderful traveling companion with Anne and Lou together. They shared the love of nature and we (Peter and myself) are happy to have been able to meet Lou. Our love to Anne and the hopes we can see each other again in our travels.