Arlene Gertrude Scarbrough

Arlene W. Scarbrough, age 71, of Scarbrough Fair Great Danes and SF Products, of Atlanta, GA, passed away Sunday, April 19. She is preceded in death by her parents Willis H. and Eleanor Williams, and is survived by her siblings Debi Huffman and Norman Pam Williams, stepmother Marilyn Williams, and many other family , friends and pets. A celebration of her life will be held later. Charitable donations may be made in her memory to: Great Dane Rescue of the Carolinas, 10425 Mt. Holly-Huntersville Rd, Huntersville, NC 28078, 704-697-9706.
So sorry to here of your passing Arlene. You know that you will be greatly missed. I have thought of you often in the passing years. Our time at the Humane Society, Santa’s pictures with the magnificent Bill and talking to you when I was still at Moore. I never see a harlequin Great Dane that I do not think of you…or a poodle for that matter. Have a safe trip across that Rainbow Bridge where Bill and all of the others are waiting for you XOXO
Condolences to Arlenes friends and family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.